When you are looking at getting a new garage door, whether for your business or home, you are going to have a lot of options to choose from. So which one is the best? To find out the answer to this, turn towards our garage door experts at Colorado Overhead Door Company.
Best Type of Garage Door
Generally speaking, there are three or four types of garage doors that are most widely used across the country. These often include aluminum, steel, wood, and vinyl garage doors. But not all of these are made equal.
Each one has distinct advantages and disadvantages, which can range from their weather-resistance to the cost of their replacement garage door parts. But one type does stand out above the rest in most situations.
For most people, the recommended type of garage door system will involve a steel garage door. This is because they are practically maintenance-free and are incredibly durable. Therefore, you can expect them to last an extremely long time. They also tend to be one of the cheapest options and have a very simple garage door installation process, which is very appealing to consumers.
Commercial Garage Door System Recommendations
While steel garage doors are still the most highly recommended type of doors for commercial use, the rest of the garage door system will be slightly different. For example, a commercial garage door system should include a more powerful opener and may include a roll-up door, which is far less common in residential settings.
Whether you are looking for a new garage door in a residential or commercial building, you’ll want to entrust the services of professionals for deciding on which type to get and having them do the garage door installation. That’s what our team of garage door experts is here to help with. So contact us at Colorado Overhead Door Company today.