Have you noticed that your electric bill is soaring lately? Or simply that you pay more for utilities on a monthly basis than you think you should be paying? If either of these scenarios describes you, there’s a good chance that poorly-insulated garage doors are the problem
Keep reading below to understand all of the other benefits of insulated garage doors and why they deserve to be your next home upgrade.
Increase energy efficiency with insulated garage doors
Occupying so much real estate in your garage, your garage doors represent a huge source of energy leaking if they’re not properly installed. With insulated garage doors, heating, for example, is much more likely to stay where it needs to be – in your home, warming you and your family.

Of course, keeping outside elements outside is just as important as keeping inside elements inside.
Protect your garage from outside elements with insulated garage doors
When you consider how big of an opening into your living space that your garage doors represent, you can begin to understand how important insulated garage doors truly are. On a cold winter’s night, you need to be able to rely on them to protect you and your home from potentially sub-zero temperatures.
Even the smallest compromise in your garage door insulation can lead to drafts entering into your home, driving up your heating bill, and potentially making you or your family sick in the process.
To make sure that your garage doors are as insulated as possible, get in touch with the installation and repair experts at Colorado Door Company. Regardless of what kind of garage doors you have, our 30 years of experience and licensed team of experts will make sure that you get the perfect insulated solution to keep your family warm and save you money on your energy bills.