It’s easy to take your garage door for granted, that is until it stops working. If you have a garage door in Colorado that has experienced some kind of repair issue, you might be all too familiar with the struggle of being unable to access your garage conventionally. The next time that happens, you need to know how to open the door manually.
Broken Garage Door
There are lots of reasons a garage door may fail to open correctly. There may be a power outage, or perhaps there is a more extensive maintenance issue that needs addressing. No matter, if your garage door sensor isn’t working, use these simple steps to open the door manually.
Using Manual Mode
- Ensure that your garage door is fully closed. Make sure you see no light peeking through under the door.
- Disconnect the garage door opener by pulling the large red cord. The cord usually has a handle and hangs down from the center rail of the garage door system.
- Lift the garage door all the way open. Do not partially open the door and let go because it might cause the door to crash down.
- Likewise, do not partially close the door. Make sure you guide the door until it is entirely on the ground.
If the door does not open and close, smoothly, that may suggest there is a more significant repair issue that needs to be addressed by a professional. However, if you just needed to use the manual garage door opener because the power was out, simply reconnect the opener when the power comes back on, and your door should go back to running smoothly again.
If you’re having problems with your overhead door or if you need some guidance for applying simple maintenance, contact Colorado Overhead Doors. We have the expertise to make sure your garage door is running like new.