Insulated Garage Doors vs. Non-Insulated Garage Doors

Commercial Garage Doors

You are planning to replace your old garage door, but someone just told you that garage doors could be insulated and non-insulated as well. Now you are confused! Which replacement should you buy? What is the difference between insulated garage doors vs. non-insulated garage doors? We have gathered all the information in one place so […]

How Your Garage Effects Your Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a big deal when it comes to the safety and cost-efficiency of your home. One way to improve the energy efficiency of your home is through an energy efficient garage door. Depending on the sealant, materials, and style of your garage door, a homeowner can drastically improve how well the garage door […]

How to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Home

Reasons For Insulating a Garage Door

Increse Energy Efficiency at Home with a Garage Door Insulation A garage door opening is most likely the largest moving object in your home. Usually, garages are not tapped into the heating and cooling system of your home. For this reason, they tend to heat up in the summer and get cold in the winter. […]